Spiritual Discourse With the Intellectual Pragmatist

I don’t mean to say it’s entirely impossible to live a joyful life in the 21st century. But I don’t see “modern conveniences” as the source of that joy. Joyful people in the 21st century are finding joy through the same means as joyful people in every other century, through a connection with earth, food that comes directly from the earth, daily interaction with earth, daily sunlight, daily exercise, life-affirming social interaction, and at least some kind of basic spiritual practice, even atheists.

King Solomon & God Said So

He told me he kept the Bible and the “book of the law” on the dashboard of his cop car at all times, “cuz thu how’ly babble say tuh falla thu law of thu lain’d.”

“Sir, with all due respect, you recognize that I intentionally slept in my car to avoid driving home, because I didn’t want to drive under the influence? You understand that right?”

“Yes. Son, eat say’unds lack yew wuz doin’ thu rat thang, but ah’m gon’ hay’v tuh arrest yuh ann-ee-ways.”

Thomas Paine: The Real Founding Father of The New World

Who first publicly proposed the idea that the colonies separate from England?

Which Founding Father insisted The Constitution include the abolition of slavery, despite being overruled by states like NC and GA? Who never owned a slave, and continued the fight against slavery until he was ousted from history? Which Founding Father insisted all throughout his life that all of humankind was equal?

Which Founding Father was our first feminist?

Time Machine 1804

After acquiring a private jet from my German engineer friend with whom I left blueprints earlier this year, I fly to London to visit a friend of Thomas Paine’s. William Blake has just returned to London to begin his Prophetic Books, beginning with “and did those feet in ancient time.” I pose as a client just to witness his workshop. I’m awestricken by the beautiful man. Finally, I tell him I’m from the future, as I know he’s the only person on earth who’ll believe me. He laughs and we sing and play music together. While in London, I briefly visit with teenaged Lord Byron at Harrow, where I accidentally step on his foot.

Across the channel, I travel with Simón Bolívar to Notre Dame de Paris to witness Napoleon crowning himself Emperor

Welcome to Nashville, Fred Chopin

Nocturnes. That’s a sick title, brah. Hey, do you do Facebook? Check out my band, and give us a “like”. We’re called The Buttmother. It’s forward slash buttmother. Here's my card. We’re like post-ska-alt-prog, but it’s not slut-punk but like the backhand stuff more like post-modern-slut-punk. We’re playing Basement East this Tuesday