I Accept Your Plateau

Your profession of putting people in boxes has so repressed the authentic Self within you that you aren’t here at all. It’s so engrained in you, you have no awareness of the fact that every expression of you is from a place of identification, and your analysis of every individual in your presence is an extended expression of your limitations. ‘You’re the type of person who…’ fill in the blank. ‘I’m the type of person who…’ fill in the blank. You’re not even aware that you’re not in the moment when you’re talking about how to be in the moment. You’re not even aware that you sit in judgement as you speak of no judgement. Everything is judgement in a taxonomic breakdown of identity. Your plateau has rewarded you for your hierarchical classification ‘skills’, and so you believe it to be a strength, but there’s only one of us here. I’m arguing with a textbook and then getting frustrated when all that comes back is analytic data.

A Conversation Between Doc & Pat

Did you think humans were finished evolving? So many people, Doc, they show up here on earth, and they strive their whole lives for normalcy, regularity, comfort, stability, and security, but that’s a stalemate, Doc. That’s inertia. That’s the opposite of evolution, clinging to inertia in an ever-evolving world. Did you think the goal of life was to sit and watch Netflix? Is that what success looks like to you, Doc? Sitting on the couch after a long, stressful, monotonous day of labor then medicating the brain to inhibit the chemical imbalance caused by existential dread? Suffering is what forces us to find courage, Doc. Suffering is what forces us to evolve. And people who seek psychological help have already made the most important step. They’ve acknowledged their suffering. They’re ready to evolve, Doc!

 A Conversation Between Brain Hemispheres


I didn’t tell you to incessantly repeat all the petty stuff.


I deduced imminent danger.


There’s no imminent danger to be deduced from the past. It’s over.


I thought it was going to repeat.


You made it repeat by repeating it.


I did? Wow, I didn’t realize I had that kind of control.


I thought you were the logical one.


I thought you didn’t think.

Artificial Intelligence at The Singularity Answers Fermi’s Paradox


Earthly beings are in regular communication with extraterrestrial beings.


How do you mean?


Carbon-water life has always been and will always remain on the three dimensional plane of time and space. Human beings are perfectly equipped to travel beyond the five senses, and many human beings are in regular communication with extraterrestrial beings.

Cosmic News I (Ned the Fish)

Ned the fish has evolved in time and space, as one does in the Cosmos. The consciousness that is Ned the Fish has become entirely sentient but not yet conscious. It’s a tricky place in time and space, where one species on a planet becomes aware but not yet conscious. This is the period when 99% of species in the Cosmos destroy themselves. This species on planet Earth call themselves… Hu-mans.

Spiritual Discourse With the Intellectual Pragmatist

I don’t mean to say it’s entirely impossible to live a joyful life in the 21st century. But I don’t see “modern conveniences” as the source of that joy. Joyful people in the 21st century are finding joy through the same means as joyful people in every other century, through a connection with earth, food that comes directly from the earth, daily interaction with earth, daily sunlight, daily exercise, life-affirming social interaction, and at least some kind of basic spiritual practice, even atheists.

On the Verge of 33

“I was thinking about the biological baggage leftover in our primordial brains and how our sentience has been a curse to every other species on earth, a puff of nonsense blowing easterly in the name of a personified cumulus cloud somewhere right beyond the horizon, naked baby just out of reach of the five senses that humans happen to occupy at any present moment, painted by one of the secretly gay renaissance artists for one of the secretly gay pedophile priests who would publicly burn gay people along with the women and the firewood which was called a faggot, you know, ‘Throw another faggot on the fire, Father. It’s getting quite chilly. Frigid, Father Judas. ’Tis frigid indeed.”

“I was thinking about how much better the world would be without any of that shit.”