The Artist Formerly Known As Robert LaSalle Wins 2022 High School Superlative: “Most Likely To Drown Beneath Incessant Noise Of Disinformation Age”


An idiot asked Mozart how to write a symphony. Mozart replied, “Start with something simpler and write a symphony when you're older." The idiot replied, "But Mozart, you were only 5 years old when you wrote your first symphony." Mozart laughed and said, "Yes, but I never asked how."

“How-to” journalism isn’t journalism. Writing about writing isn’t writing. Regurgitating “facts” isn’t science. Art doesn’t repeat. Artist don’t ask how. Philosophy isn’t the rephrasing of philosophic aphorisms. Knowing the history of philosophy isn’t philosophy. Spirituality doesn’t contain platitudes. The spirit doesn’t repeat.

None of your favorite writers read about how to write. None of your favorite songwriters required musical lessons. None of your spiritual, ontological or existential teachers required spiritual, ontological or existential teaching. Writers write. Creators create. Seekers seek. Believers believe. And repeaters repeat. Welcome to the age of inauthenticity, The Disinformation Age, the first time in history where everyone's an artist, and there's no art left in artistry, where creativity goes to die under the red carpet where "content” holds it’s daily high school popularity contest, and True Artists are out-shouted in the noise of competitive babbling, likes, follows and claps.

Great art inspires great artistry, as the beauty of creation inspires creativity. Repetition inspires repetition. “How-to” articles inspire endless circles upon the plateau of monotonous mediocrity; muddies the waters where great art lives, and blocks the light where true spirit shines. 

“5 Ways to Succeed on Medium: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Use #Number in Title.” Getting lots of claps on Medium is about as much an indicator of artistry as getting plays on Spotify is indicator of talent. Art is dead. Music is dead. Philosophy is dead. Culture is dead. Spirit is dead. God is dead. Long live content! (It’s sarcasm, dumb-dumb!)

And with that, I ended my two-week venture into, where art goes to die. Spotify, Medium, all social media, I piss on your digital graves. Viva la spirit! (It’s not sarcasm, dumb-dumb!)