#EAT THIS 2022



[E]xtraordinarily [A]rbitrary [T]houghts [T]o [H]ighlight [I]nsolent [S]ardonicism


Epigrams? Prosing short blabs?


 The Inert Ship

I often reminisce of the inert ship. I imagine her stuck in the Sargasso Sea, pointed the “wrong” direction. The literal reality of steering the ship back into the “right” direction is a favorite among metaphors. First we must catch wind and begin sailing in the “wrong” direction, and only then can we begin to slowly turn the ship around. 

An obvious addendum to the metaphor: avoid the Sargasso Sea whenever possible, and don’t stop moving.

More Metaphors On Inertia

Inert is the only “wrong” direction. As long as we’re moving, we may only go the “wrong” direction so long before it becomes “right” again, whether wrapping around the planet or falling downward with such force that we hit rock bottom with enough momentum to bounce upward, out of the stratosphere, unto oblivion, or else we dig the hole so deep we reach the other side, for there is always a finite bottom, even when it’s the center, but visa versa will always be false - upwards and outwards is infinite.


Mark David Chapman was released from prison today, and within hours of regaining his freedom, he gained possession of a handgun and managed to shoot Paul McCartney… That’s right Steve, very unsettling. In unrelated news, John Hinkley was released from psychiatric care yesterday, stole a rifle from an undisclosed location and shot Jimmy Carter… It’s a bizarre story, isn’t it Steve? Our source on the scene at the hospital says both Carter and McCartney are healing on the same floor of the same hospital. Both are in good spirits and are said to be working on a new Christmas album about peanut butter called “McCarter Park.” Yum. Now back to your regularly scheduled nonsense.

Children of Abraham, Israelites and Hamas. We burrow into our identities proudly when we feel we’re winning and claim we’re victims when we perceive that we’re losing. I wish I could write it so that morons could see it the way I see it. Middle Eastern Jews and Muslims are exactly like my high school. Half prepping to go to Auburn University and half for University of Alabama, and sworn to defeat one another. The two sides share more cultural similarities than anyone else on earth, conservative, Christian, white people. They sink into tribalism just to decorate their identities, laying claims backed by familial bonds. Middle Eastern Jews vs. Middle Eastern Muslims is UA vs. AU with rockets instead of footballs.

New parents are always telling stories of their baby’s first experiences with mundane objects and how excited the baby is at seeing the world for the first time. I see something else. I see the baby going, “Ah shit, this again?! How the fuck did I get back here? I have to do another entire life. Does it ever end?” 

Without negative space, it's all bright light

MC Escher’s blank canvas

Without "wrong" there's no free will to choose "right"

Without room for doubt, there is no free will to be "faithful"

If ONLY glorious paths laid out before us, there could be no free will 

"The Devil" is a necessary negative space which draws the dimensions of perception in time-space 

Free will is deciphering the painting, running the labyrinth maze and choosing (following) the path of least resistance

Sometimes the path of least resistance is the path of most resistance

Nilsson Schmilsson’s recipe for gastrointestinal discomfort:

1.) lime

2.) coconut

3.) drink ‘em bot up

See also:

+ FDA warns of de danger in drinking de lime in de coconut 

+ FDA recommends Big Pharma - day say natural remedies are unsafe so ingest expensive chemicals instead

+ FDA says day promise der recommendations have notin’ to do wit der own personal investments in Big Pharma

Coconut poisoning symptoms: 

False Caribbean accent

Singing about doctors who still prescribe home remedies

Schmilsson overdose:

Occurs when one casually sings about daily occurrences

A la, “I am typing nonsense into a blog post no one will ever read, lila la leala la la, dee-da da da”

You know how you know you’re an artist?

When the pursuit of art ruins your life and you keep pursuing it

When you actively alter your life in order to quit art

And then you find yourself writing about art

Writing is art, too, idiot

I was born with many gifts.

Too many gifts became a great curse.

When the curse became completely intolerable,

it became a gift again…

I think…

I’m pretty sure they’re becoming gifts again…

What’s the difference?

Curse is a gift is a curse

The Tao - Essentially, curse is a gift is a curse

Anagnorisis - Essentially, insight through horridness

COUNTRY SONG (written mid-promo video)

[NOT a joke. Please report to PC PoPo’s I’m a racist now]

I look at other races, look into their faces

I can just tell that I’m better than them

I look into the mirror, I can see clearer

I know that I’m better, cuz I got white skin

I was born white and I was born free

I know that I’m right, cuz I was born me

I was born white and ya’ll was born ugly

I know that I’m right, cuz I was born me

1st Amendment:

I can say whatever I want, but if you say something I don’t like, you’ll be censored then reprimanded severely.

Nothing in life is obvious, why should art be obvious?

If genius is obsession, I'm a genius. 

The most destructive of addictions isn't drugs or alcohol but ambition.

I pray that God may take away my fruitless desire.

My dad used to praise my ambition saying, "You get your drive from your mom's side. My side were dreamers." Then one day I realized drive and ambition had completely ruined my life.


When I’m truly alone, there’s not a single moment of loneliness. When I’m truly alone, I share the company of all the saints and sages; the goddess and all the great philosopher kings; I Am accompanied by all the artistic, literary, poetic and musical genii; and all the primordial energies of Earth, moon and sun; and the entire universe is here inside me.

When I am speaking with human beings who don’t understand who I Am or what I’m saying, I am the loneliest man who ever walked the earth. And so far, not a single human has half understood a word or sound I’ve said or sung.