Instruments of My Enlightenment


DATED: 2021

Broke & homeless at a makeshift campsite in TN

“My favorite part of being retired from the music industry is telling people in the music industry to go fuck themselves (in a good way) (in the ear)."

Everyone in the music industry graduates from the same university, "The Liars Institute of Conniving Asshole Arts." This is where they all learn the sociopathy of stealing and cheating people with a simultaneous makeshift compassion. As legendary asshole artist, Mason Lizard says, "It's fairly simple. We say whatever's necessary to make artists feel as if we're going to help them. Then after we get paid, we completely disengage with the artist leaving them to fend for themselves. Success."

And with that flicker of anger, spirit jumps to the foreground taunting the ego, "Boohoo, you tortured genius cliche. Lifetimes you spun webs and had your peers blabbering, gushing, glorifying you. This is the life where you realize you're not That. And tell me, little tortured genius boy, where would you be without all the failure and rejection? Would you hear me now? Stop chasing hollow thoughts, boy. The ride has taken you places you couldn't have imagined, and your dumb notions of failure have led you here now."

With that, I began to see the asshole music industry graduates as instruments in the story of my enlightenment. They’re mindless cogs, locked doorways, dead ends in the maze of this life, where pain and rejection drastically alter trajectories. My aching unmet desires of the past had shown me my true desire, the true direction of life itself. Oh, the pain has been remarkable, but this stubborn being knows the only way he'd ever learn to fly is by falling, falling, falling. Here now I flap my wings. No one need notice, no glory, no fame, no money, no respect from my peers necessary, as I fly, fly, fly away.