#EAT THIS 2021



[E]xtraordinarily [A]rbitrary [T]houghts [T]o [H]ighlight [I]nsolent [S]ardonicism

While traveling the country 2021, homeless & broke

>>>Ongoing stories from a quippy mind or epigrams prosing short blabs

>>>My favorite platitude: Remain vigilantly joyful, at all costs.

>>>Misery ages fast, but Peace does not age.

>>>One must declare war on the roots of misery. Trimming the leaves won’t do.

>>>When you become aware of the step backward, you've actually taken a step forward.

>>>The blue pill and the red pill are both illusory. Stop with the pills. Infinity is happening now.

>>>You thought you were created then found out you're part of the creation which creates the creating, so you’re part of the creator and the creator’s creation which is still creating creation and creator, and you’re that too. I Am That.

>>>The idiocy of presuming spirituality means sitting serenely on a mat! Spirituality is a tumultuous confrontation with the suffering of being and the delusion of time, and it’s terribly painful.

>>>Society has successfully devalued art and artists. High five. 

>>>I made albums in a singles market. No one listened. High five.

>>>My favorite part of being retired from the music industry is telling people in the music industry to go fuck themselves (in a good way) [in the butt]

(like I said, a good way)

>>>There won't be historians in the future because everyone will be entirely self-obsessed. Exaggerated autobiographies tell the story of humanity: “Vanity”

>>>Being free is ridiculously expensive.

>>>In my experience, modern conveniences are terribly inconvenient.

>>>I hope humanity leaves the planet soon. Some of us just want to enjoy her the way she was.

>>>I don’t want to experience the sunset so much as I want to be the sunset.

>>>My desire is to be everything.

>>>It takes courage to jump off a bridge, even when everyone is doing it.

>>>Authenticity is within the asking not the answering.

>>>Those who love Love must hate Hate.

>>>The answer to all your big, dumb prayers is just shut up. Go sit and stare at a tree, dummy.

>>>Artists and mystics know that greatness spawns from nothingness.

>>>Your only problem is they taught you how to DO and they taught you how to THINK, but you never learned how to BE! Being comes first, you know.

>>>Love isn't a desire. It's a state of being. Desire to be loved is an inability to find love within oneself. Go sit and stare at a tree, dummy.

>>>The answer to all your practical, reasonable, logical questions is to abandon practicality, abandon reason, and abandon logic. Life is much bigger than the practical, reasonable, logical cage in which you painted your delusional self.

>>>The answer to all your questions is, “Ask bigger questions.” If you don’t like trees, try staring at a flower, dummy.

>>>You don't know anything about anything. Everything you think you know is something someone told you with words. Words are gestures. Here’s an active gesture to suggest an experience: go sit and stare at a tree. Experience something.

>>>Wisdom doesn’t fit into words. Wisdom doesn’t preach. Wisdom sings.

>>>Stability & comfort are the enemy of creation. Life becomes stable & comfortable only when it stops progressing.

>>>And what was Newton’s law on motion, again?

>>>The spiritual path is fucking painful! You’ll know you’re moving when you feel completely lost (this is new terrain.)

>>>The hamster wheels her caged treadmill, scoffs at the passing field mouse, “Ha! YOU don’t have a wheel or a water bottle or straw to sleep on!” & the field mouse smiles as he follows the sun unto the endless horizon.

>>>Those who envy also blame. They are one & the same.

>>>Thought & Memory fly like the wind

>>>These are Wodan’s birds

 >>>A part of us must die so that we may be reborn.

>>>Job must die so that Wodan may live.


“Wild Wolf is to obedient Dog

As Wild Bull is to factory-farmed beef

As Purity is to docility

As Beauty is to domestication”

This has been the Macro Ethic of Wild Ire

© copyright: God's Balls

(planting seeds of awareness since 1986)

>>>”I was trying to figure out why I existed so I could write a song about it.”

-Robert LaSalle

(not the explorer)

(well, different kind of explorer)


We’re in dire need of approval. It’s difficult to imagine that success and failure in this life have nothing to do with people’s opinions of us. How could it be? From day one, everyone’s banking everything on approval. What is money other than society saying, “we approve.” Our parents approve of us usually only when society approves of us. To have no one’s approval in this life, well that’s a hell of a thing. God?


“Seems so personal. Are you sure you want to divulge that kind of information about yourself to the public?”

-excerpt from a fan’s email

ANSWER, ALEX: Unrequited divulgence. Remember when I tried to make all that music public? One surefire approach to assuring no one reads or listens to anything I do is for me to make it public.


No matter how you choose to be

I'll be equanimity

No matter what you do to me

I'll be equanimity

And when your world ceases to be

I'll be equanimity

And while you're flailing in the sea

I'll be equanimity 


Country music formula is similar to the layout of Walmart. Up front someone says, “Welcome to Walmart. You’re tough and I like your truck.” Then there’s flashy eye candy with no substantial value. And it’s always the same layout, so you always know where you’re going, but you never know why the hell you’re here again. The produce section is garbage. There’s way too much meat. There’s nothing real anywhere. You actually consider buying a tractor. Platitudes hang from the ceiling with pictures of plastic smiles. It’s all staged to convince you that you need something there. It’s way too bright, blindingly bright. Lots of fat people with mullets. Everyone’s friendly, but only in that mormon way where there’s clearly a subsurface disdainful rage one mistep away from bursting through a hole in a wife beater. And some guy is always singing about tequila.

>>>Time flies my way - On the Nantahala Skyway

>>>Hardest battles I ever fought, hardest war I ever won, it'd appear to others as though I were only sitting silently in solitude. 

>>>Birds really are messengers, you know. I don’t know how or what’s going on, but we’re not crazy for seeing birds as intermediaries. Lake Santeetlah campsite #6.

>>>“And the wind whispers bliss” - I’ve been repeating that line since I was a kid - I have no idea where it came from - I think I made it up

>>>Autumn might be the most beautiful time to be in North Carolina - These trees over the backdrop of a mountain lake - Royal Grandam Bivalence a.k.a. Roy G. Biv

>>>If everyone expressed their truest emotions, world peace would soon follow

>>>I remember when Instagram promised to be “the new record store.” Children shitting on the floor, naked ladies pointing their asses at you in display cases, and tons of people trying to show you their food. It’s a perfect place to discover new music! 

>>>The real slogan of my life: "I'll die when I get there." Suicide? Maybe after I drive across the country. If I still feel like suicide when I get to the Pacific, I'll drown myself.

>>>A chameleon may elude my eye, but when alluding to my linguistic sensibilities, doubt is as illusive as the dissolution of that same alliterative homophone, illustrated herein an elated reiteration, the provocation of the aforementioned allusion. Amen. The end.

>>>Stay tuned for more, folks. They seem to be falling from the sky. Or else people are throwing things. I Am an endless work in progress. Macro Ethic’s #EAT THIS to be continued… (previous & current years HERE)