The Artist & The Scholar

The artist wants to know what life is

The mystic wants to know what life is

The philosopher wants to know what life is

The psychoanalyst wants to know what life is

The scientist wants to know what life is

And the scholar wants to know what words mean

At the very end of the scholar’s lifelong pursuit

Of dogmatic rationalism

Of memorization and regurgitation

Of rigid certainties and didactic platitudes

Precise measurements

Of incalculable calculations 

With inconclusive conclusions 

Of logical deductions

Of reason

And proof

Only One realization lies in wait:

That truth is only experienced

Knowledge is only experienced

All else is a great mirage of human mind

A trick of memory

And this is the final thought

And the only realization

The scholar ever has

At the moment of death 

(Dang! Better luck next time!)

The Perennial Ground

(The only reason William Blake isn’t called a philosopher

Is because scholars don’t understand anything he wrote)

Pull a random line from William Blake’s latter work

A random line from Krishnamurti’s latter work

A random line from Nietzsche’s latter work

A random line from Carl Jung’s latter work

And a random line from Schrödinger’s latter work

Ask a random test group:

Who’s the artist

Who’s the mystic

Who’s the philosopher

Who’s the psychoanalyst

 And who’s the scientist?

They’ve all touched the same place

The same source

The ground from which all arises

Viewed from varying perspectives

Different pinholes in the same red curtain

Different vantage points of the same stage play

Upstage left, downstage right, stage lights and shadows

Language must do summersaults to grasp

The ground which cannot be grasped

All five, in their attempts to describe

Their experiential view of the ground

They all become poets, artists

In our attempts to describe the perennial ground

From which All arise

We are all becoming artists

The True Artist

The psychologist tells you how your brain works

and exactly what’s wrong with it.

The neuroscientist tells you that

humans know very little about the human brain.

The religious tell you why you’re here,

how you got here, and where you’re going.

The True Spirit of enlightened beings tell you

Truth and Knowledge may only be experienced.

The scholarly philosopher 

[Professor of the ground, Chuck Patty, Ph. D.] 

regurgitates words he memorized

And argues with people who died centuries ago

The True Philosopher inspires All to seek the True Self.

The physicist tells you the material world is the All,

and nothing is known but through the study of the material world.

The True Science of quantum reality 

tells you infinity is in every moment, 

and the mind creates the illusion of time which projects itself 

onto the experiencer as the material world.

The musician memorizes scales and learns technique

And the writer puts words together

And the painter moves color from one place to another

The True Artist

Is becoming the art, becoming the way

Merging with the light and the darkness

Transmuting the infinite pallet of color

Imbuing grace into the subtlest sound

Echoing the roar at the beginning of All

 Stretching perceptibility of human audibility

Embracing the inevitability of the eternal moment

Singing life in perfect harmony with death

Dancing between creator and creation

The hand of One becoming One

With the creation and destruction of time and space