And There Are “the ones” Creating All the Separation

When limitless life begins to identify with thought

life itself begins to forget

When limitless life forgets itself

One’s Self creates oneself

When One separates oneself from the womb of creation

oneself becomes creator of separateness

When one creates separateness 

one identifies with separateness

When one’s identity is separate from limitlessness

one identifies only with limitations

One whom clings only to a limited identity

creates a world of limitations

by dividing limitlessness

A world created by division

creates separateness

between creator and creation

A world created by division cannot sustain itself

A world created by division recreates itself repeatedly

In each incarnation, a new society is created

A society created by division born of separateness

creates purpose and purposelessness

A society which derives no purpose

from the limitations of its separate identities

in a world created by division

creates another separate world

from which to derive its purpose

A purposeless society of separate identities

creates a separate identity for its creator

A purposeless society which creates its own creator

creates an ethical structure

by which to govern its creation

An ethic born of separateness by division

into purposelessness

creates reward and punishment

judgement and condemnation

which reigns from the separate world

which its separateness created

One whom identifies with one’s separateness 

identifies this separateness as “heaven”

and this creator of separateness as “God”


In one’s separateness

one is separate from God

In one’s separateness

God is separately whole

In one’s separateness

one is apart from God

In one’s separateness

one is not a part of God

In one’s separateness

God is all one lacks

In a starving society, God is food

In a hateful society, God is love

In an unruly society, God is law and order

In an unjust society, God is justice

In a violent society, God is everlasting peace

In a sick and sad society, God is happiness and health

In a society of logic and reason

God is illogical and irrational

In a society which rewards pain

God is a martyr

In a society which represses pleasure

God is eternally promiscuous

Heaven is one’s endless perversions

In a society which oppresses femininity

God is The Divine Feminine

In metaphysics, God is physical

In physics, God is metaphysical

In modesty, God is opulence

In grandeur, God is humility

In law, God is unruly

In unruliness, God is law

In one’s thoughtfulness, God is intuition

In one’s intuitiveness, God is thought

In one’s emptiness, God is experience

In one’s experience, God is emptiness

In one’s form, God is formless

In one’s formlessness, God is form


The ones whom cling to their separate identities

enforce their separateness

fortify their separateness 

Yet everywhere one looks

God is there

There, in his disallowing

God allows him this disallowing

There, in his will to power

God empowers his will

There, in her disbelief

God believes in her disbelieving

There, in her disproof of God

God proves she is disproving God

There, in his disapproval of God

God approves his disapproval

There, in his denial of God

God doesn’t deny him his denying

There, in him who plunders the earth

in search of God

God is the one plundering

God is the one searching

There, with her telescope pointed across the universe

God is the one seeing

There, in him who looks for God

but cannot find him

God is the one looking

There, in the ones who swear there is no God

God is The One swearing

There, in him who denies his being

God is being

There, in the mathematical improbability of life

God is there

There, in the limitless distance between 0 and 1

God is there, undivided

There, in all the fractions of One

One can never truly become two

One can never truly become zero

There, One cannot be pluralized

There, the ones are only divided limitlessly by their own limitations

There, creating the limited identities of the ones

from The Limitless One

God is there


There, in the ones creating all the rules and regulations

There, in the ones creating all the judgement and condemnation

There, in the creators denying their own creation

There, in every tribe creating civilization

There, in every race, every religion, every wing of every nation

There, in every society, every state, every faction of every population

There, in every fraction of The One who clings to one’s limitations

There, in all the ones clung to their separate identifications

There is The One, Creator, Created, Creation

And there are “the ones” creating all the separation

This poem’s companion piece: HERE