Inoculate headaches En ocular asphyxiationists
As en, parading tirades of En's glorious miscommunicationists
I am a social relic livid in the patients' room
If the furthest hell gets enucleation-ists…
As en, ocular prosthetics could fend for Creationists
I'd become her social relic entombed
Mother Nature is a satirist
As en Revelations, and You won't realize to wait for it
En isn't a part of Her womb
The undaunted sensationalists
En lieu of the Ennoble for the cacophonous
Discords of the incredulous for La Vie En Rose
En loco parentis is Entangled, En absent apprentice
En eye for an eye, hence She may be Ensnared
For fear of losing their own bets
For right angles in sets of thread
Haven't yet been woven into cloth