One Who Keeps Reaching

Addicts are spiritual seekers who don’t know it yet. Art is the pursuit of spirit. We’re here to overturn materialism. A society which forces artists to serve three course meals to materialists to pay for microwaved ramen, to wash dishes & chauffeur the rich in Ubers, is a society on the brink of collapse. Society’s killing us by not valuing us then blaming us for not having value. We exist to explore the metaphysical in a society that’s hellbent on materialistic orthodoxy.

Something keeps killing my friends

the artists, creators

Since I was a kid

The ones who keep reaching

keep dying

What is it that keeps killing them?

It’s easy to say “drugs” and “suicide”

and move on catatonically 

Play fake wisdom

It’s much more difficult 

to reach  

for something else

We’re the ones 

who keep reaching 

We’re the kids who look up and say

“Am I good enough now, Dad?” 

“Am I doing it right, Mom?” 

No matter how we reach

We’re not what our family

wants us to be

We’re the ones 

who keep reaching

We reach for community

“There a place for me here?”

“Am I good enough here?”

No matter how we reach

We’re not what our community

wants us to be

We’re the ones 

who keep reaching

We reach into society

No matter how we far we reach

We’re not what society

wants us to be

That limp hand of Adam

on the Sistine Chapel

that’s the voice of family

that’s the voice of community

that’s the voice of society

We’re the ones 

who keep reaching

We reach for each new day

We say, “today I will be the right version of myself”

“Today I will be what society

wants me to be”

“Today I will be what my community

wants me to be”

“Today I will be what my family

wants me to be”

Did our family ever consider 

Did our community ever consider

Did our society ever consider

maybe we’re supposed to be

exactly the way we are?

maybe we weren’t born wrong?

maybe we weren’t born “ill”?

Maybe some people are born

to keep reaching

Those of us who reach adulthood

We’re the walking scar tissue

The bionic body parts

limping through timespace

Carrying the weight

of all we reached for in vain


a prerequisite to survival

and the irony of early demise

Those of us who reach adulthood

tattered and torn

Nowhere out there left to reach

When we begin to reach

the other way

We discover the vigor

the will power

we learned through sheer pain

As we begin to reach inward

something reaches back

When we reach that way

there’s only one way to reach

When silence falls

the voice of family

When silence falls

the voice of community

When silence falls

the voice of society

Only one voice is left 

It’s far beyond victimhood

It’s far beyond blame

It’s far beyond guilt, failure, shame

It is it’s own medication

There’s nothing to self-medicate

It’s a place beyond right and wrong

It’s the thing we were reaching for

all along

There it is

concealed in plain sight

The artist is the art

Concealed in the silent mind

Feet crossed in the illusory cerebellum

Only inches away

Who’s that reaching back?

Between the bionic eyes of the brain

One who keeps reaching

reaches Grace

Artist reaches through Agna

Artist reaches through Agna