Death Doth Dance

4-12-21 Midnight, Huntsville, AL

Goodbye Stone Anderson (1994-2021)

Now you know

It’s all a show

See you soon, dream brother

Death doth dance

center stage

Foxtrot ‘round martyred clock



slips into ballet

Hacked rot garden backdrop 



waltzes from the grave

Tempting the spotlighter 

to cast a shade

Crowd cowers in the dark

Sub stack towers 


Spacetime’s sub plot


The story’s Roman arch

Gravels to gravity’s 

masked funeral march

Behind the scenes glimpse


from stage left

“Inner Workings of the Ageless Clock”

stage is set

third act 

of death

As long as life 

is act one

Show must go on

once now 

hath begun

Fat lady sings entropy 

what’s always been sung

Swan song suspended 

mid air midriff 

wings melt

in strobe light suns


by the myth of sin

jumping the gun

Life’s lilted echo 

listens through

line arrays

hung by the tongue

Feedback loop cues


Molten lavalieres clipped 

onto her

Requiem’s ambivalent 



Reaching out from the brain

the puppetmaster 

Reveals Adam’s naval 

on the Sistine Chapel  

Cynics buried flowers

curtsy to reveal their thorns

French Quarter daemons

bow to reveal procession horns

Hallowed brass billows up Frenchman

En route to another flooded coffin

lost on the whim

Angel riggers in the rafters

belay the puppetmaster

Pyrotechnics firecrackers

Petrified crowd turns to laughter

Cradle rolls from stage right

Baby giggles from inside

Curtain call floodlights

Reveal cast 

crowd and crew

Puppetmaster taps his way

to center stage

Spotlight follows his final cue

He throws his hand over his face

He shows them why the play is named

“A Game of Peek-A-Boo”