"A Poem" (Denial's Attrition)

I sent out this poem verbatim to a hotbed of apathy one week before the 2016 election. It’s about the end of the human race. Humans vs. Mother Earth. Again 2020.

"A Poem" (Denial’s Attrition)

November 1, 2016, A Travel Trailer in Shadow Hills, CA

1 Someday we'll jump off the runaway train

onto the last grass on the last hill

2 on the run from the voice of denial's attrition

3 which still stands as her only witness

4 We refused to use the accused's evidence

5 the rampart's lone exhibit

6 was evidence only proof admitted

7 Choosing invisibility as an excuse to exercise inadmissibility

8 an echo for every voice that refused to listen

9 On the run from our own admission of volition,

freewill rules us innocent

10 Appealing to our most vulnerable senses,

consensus favors denial on

11 trial with implausible invincibility

12 accusations are suspect to overruling their own suspiciously unruly

13 inauspiciousness

14 Unfit to stand, much less run with no defense,

we know whom to blame for this

15 We judge our denial while a cheek turns a blind eye for the trial of less than a century

16 Forgive luck for futiles casting blank stones slated to arrive at our wake

17 She accepts her sentence humbly on a high horse with the voice of our memory

18 The good book beguiles our sardonic smiles with infinity

19 Someday we'll jump off the runaway train onto the last grass on the last hill

20 on the run from the voice of denial's attrition

21 On the run from our guilt and feigned blame,

her chains will begin to drift

22 On the run, we'll begin to feel her infamous shift

23 With the case against us dismissed,

denial's attrition will begin

24 It begins to accuse us again…

25 Our harsh ruling unduly jeopardizes her sentence, fooling double jeopardy with penance

26 the faithful turn injustice on end when piety puts its own fate at risk

27 driving morality up the wall,

exhausting its resources like piss in the wind

28 On the run from the voice of denial's attrition

anything we say or do may no longer be used against it

29 the use of fate as a noose is still permitted by volition

30 Fate, cousin of preordained farce,

forces free will to its own evanescence

31 Fate, destiny's acquisition, uses naivety as weaponry and double jeopardy as penance

32 Fate, the great shapeshifter, may choose denial over volition

33 at the discretion of all life's earthly lessons,

fate may take human life in the barter

34 Gaea will thank us for our martyrdom

35 Fate, father of Rasa, author of all earthly sagas

in the hands of tabula rasa

36 Fate, the blank slate, may chose to use its pen as the last nail in the last coffin

37 Someday we'll jump off the runaway train onto the last grass on the last hill

…on the run from the voice of denial's attrition

38 Someday the tables will turn for the wrongfully accused as she admonishes us still

39 the last nail will stand trial as our last witness

40 Someday soon, the wrongly accused stands in our shoes

41 we will stand trial for denial's attrition,

in defiance of our own free will

42 Someday we'll jump off the runaway train onto the last grass on the last hill

43 On the run from the voice of denial's attrition

44 You and I will be the last to hear its unwary and incredulous echo firing back at last

45 from a lilting whisper to a shrill

46 On the run from the voice that comes back to haunt the ghost we entrapped

47 the fact is the past is the last voice which it ever told not to tell

48 Our runaway train's innocent claim is already arraigning itself

49 At last, our past is paved over en masse by declaring its first and last plea of "guilt"

50 On the run from the light of our past…

51 As our past claimed that our last shot of shining was just a shadow cast by the fire beneath the last still

52 On the run, our last shot fires back at our past

in a last pact to kill or be killed

53 by the light of our last moonshine,

our lilted echos are shooting for the stars

54 You and I will be the last to see our past denials shoot their dunce heads in the clouds

55 as they provide us with our last bit of shade from our last shot in the dark

56 You and I will be the last to hear our lilted voices echoing our curtain call as we bow out

57 You and I will be the last ones on the run…

58 On the run, our last pact has no use

for a backfiring gun

59 On the run, we can't shoot for much more than the sun

60 Jump the gun from the gavel to gallows to the grave

with only grief as our plaintiff, our past paves the way

61 With two words it's confirmed, "court adjourned," in the cesspool where life breaks

62 From a warm little pond on an island beyond, life carries on in our wake

63 From stardust comes gold, without yellow brick roads and no voice veiled in curtains of shame

64 With no fear driving absolution's curtain call up the walls of hyperbole's one-way race

65 We leave her in ruins, tattered, cheated and abused

battered beyond earthly complaints…

66 Our past as we know it, beaten and broken, becomes golden to a new earthly race

67 Standing trial for the accused, walking miles in her shoes, life's on the run for life's sake

68 Our past as we knew it, tattered and ruined, lives to see the shoe-in the mess we made

69 Grace will surrender our waste as it renders itself home to a new road freshly paved

70 Someday we'll jump off the runaway train onto the last grass on the last hill

our last rites will be read by our wrongfully accused

71 Someday the tables will turn for her as she admonishes us still

72 She read us our rights before our present passed through our last mass

73 displacing all that matters in man's free will and testimony