I Want Freedom

Chasing kundalini high 

grog malaise 

New Age nonsense-mongers

they paint spirituality as a tranquil thing

peaceful, sweet godness 

I scream

I die in spite of every goddam day

This is a goddam war! 

I do not know who’s winning

Suicide still sings superficial songs 

of hope in the last ditch 

No, spirituality is not tranquil

It’s a daily revelation that the artist wasn’t actually facing himself

the artist only glorified his shadow

The spirit must face the fucking shadow

And what a goddam thing that is

long, long, long 

What a long, lonesome tail 

gruesome tailbone

cyst in the seat of her grace

hammer to the face

Chasing light is no means

of capturing light

I once sang, “Only marionettes 

Dancing in the night

Chasing their shadows

Somehow they find the light”

I sometimes think my body is beyond reproach

beyond repair

This, in lieu of music, these words

this is my vigilant attempt 

this is my only hammer


I don’t know where the fucking nails are

It’s like bedbugs

they’re easy to kill when you can find them!

it doesn’t matter what kind of “spray”

when you don’t know where they are

Demons, shadows, bad energy, these are all dumb words

for some karmic substance we carry

some experiential ire which plagues

mind-emotion, body, and yes, “energy” 

May need a socket wrench to rip open this retched being-ness

this thing I Am hath become manifested as man

Yes, Sadhguru, Yes Socrates, I take responsibility

What I Am now, I Am because of some pastime unknown to my present

I have fleeting glimpses of lifetimes of misery, many suicides 

I never venture too far or attempt to know those fleeting glimpses

I never pretend glimpses are truths 

I don’t grasp onto them

I don’t want to hold this shit anymore

none of it

I want out

I want out

I want out

Every day I pray, “God, let me out of this trap”

this body may be a gift in some sense

perhaps I was even MORE trapped before this

this was the sense I used to get when I came close to ending it

I must remind myself to find gratitude

Regardless, I want out

I do not wish to be a human 

I want freedom

I want freedom

I want freedom