Devil's Linguist

Soham bares the fruit of every forbidden tree

“I Am That I Am” for the shadow of the cave

Shall we let it rot on the vine?

Live and let livid from the grave

While shooting stars chase their stardust into yeast?

Is this Plato's wet dream?

Baring child from an infertile seed?

Let it rest lest it rest in peace

Circumcise it with your teeth

Ferment it into a disillusioned dream

Distill life till it's realized

Vomit the forgotten

Forget all forgiveness

Stumble into this high tide

How much space is there

Between sunset

And the night

Somewhere within deception is the word

If deception prefaces heaven,

Then I have seen the light

I been to the mountaintop

We shook shadows in the dark

Left-handed recollection of space

Presently poised

To reckon with the guise

Of indentured noise

And the deceptive word in the light?

I think you thought these thoughts before

Where the fuck is hindsight?

Where you think memory's stored?

P.S. The Devil's linguist survives on morning tithes. Amen.