Blink Blink

the vagabond philosophy

takes the yellow brick road

to get a frontal lobe lobotomy 

i'm a poster boy for hypocrisy 

preach the gospel 

of the wild, hostile breed

but i'm a billboard for monotony 

the starving artist's broken creed

the objective-subjective dichotomy

to make a living or live on the street

to make life speak

with clinched fists and ground teeth 

hide or go seek

blink blink

another day, another dollar

fury for fodder 

no marriage and no mortgage

and no son and no daughter

oil the industry

tap your feet

blink blink

i work all night

and i work all day

i'm wasting

just wasting away

i have no point, no purpose, no game

i have nothing

oh nothing else to say

here comes johnny

go johnny go

all work and no play 

makes jack want to smoke

jack fell down the hill

jack has braincells to kill

jack! get cash! go buy some dope!

goodbye high hopes

goodnight cruel world

tighten up the rope, jack

or hit the fucking road